Smooth Fitness Computer Monitor LED 15 User Manual

Press to start the RECOVERY function to test your physical condition after a workout. Follow the RECOVERY operating  
instructions for details.  
a. Press to increase/decrease exercise speed by 0.1mph / km/h.  
b. Hold the button to rapidly increase/decrease speed by 0.5mph / km/h per second. Release the button to stop the function.  
c. Press to select programs and preset related function value.  
Press up or down to change incline level.  
The safety key must be inserted into the slot on the console in order to operate the treadmill. Always insert the safety key  
and attach the clip to your clothing at your waist before beginning your workout. If you should encounter problems and need  
to stop the motor quickly, simply pull on the cord to disengage the safety key from the console. To continue operation first  
turn the power switch to OFF and set the speed controller to stop. Next turn the power switch to ON and reinsert the safety  
key into the console.  
The treadmill computer display can show METRIC and ENGLISH information. This should be preset for your area by the  
factory. However, in case the treadmill needs to be converted between METRIC and ENGLISH readout, please follow the  
procedure below:  
Set the POWER SWITCH to ON. Press the START button on the computer and hold it. Insert the SAFETY KEY then  
release the START button. The computer will sound one short beep. Press the START button to switch between ENGLISH  
and METRIC and press STOP/ENTER button to confirm the setting. The computer will sound a long beep and will return to  
the POWER ON mode with the new setting.  
Set the POWER SWITCH, located on the base frame, to ON  
and insert the SAFETY KEY. All LED windows light up with  
a short beep sound. U1” displays in the LAP window,  
TIME/DISTANCE displays the user weight factory setting  
value “150”lbs or “68”kg, SPEED/CALORIES displays the  
user height factory setting value “67”inches or “170”cm, and  
PULSE/INCLINE displays the user age factory setting value  
35”. If there is any user information that has been input and  
saved, all LED windows will display the information from the  
last input user information. If no further button inputs are  
made within 3 minutes, the computer will enter the SLEEP  
MODE. Press any button to return to the POWER ON mode.  
When the power is ON the computer will automatically enter SLEEP MODE if it is left idle for 3 minutes without receiving any  
input. Press any button to return to POWER ON status when the computer is in the SLEEP MODE.  
To cancel the SLEEP MODE feature using the DISPLAY MODE and always keep the console display on, pull out the safety  
key, press and hold the SPEED UP and DOWN buttons, insert the safety key to power on the treadmill. After one short beep  
sound the TIME LED window will show “ON” (SLEEP MODE feature on) or “OFF” (SLEEP MODE feature off). Press the  
INCLINE UP and DOWN buttons to switch between “ON” and “OFF” then press STOP/ENTER to save the setting and return  
to POWER ON mode.  
When the treadmill is in POWER ON status, press the START button to activate the QUICK START program. The SPEED  
LED will count down 3 seconds with 3 short beep sounds then start from 0.5 mph / 0.8 km/h. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN  
buttons to change the speed. Press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to elevate the treadmill. The TIME, CALORIES and  
DISTANCE will count up from 0.  
During the workout press the STOP/ENTER button once to pause the treadmill. Press the STOP/ENTER button twice to  
delete all workout data and return to POWER ON status.  
After completion of each program the TIME LED window will  
show “COOL” and blink then start a one-minute cool down  
procedure. Time counts down from 01:00 to 00:00 and  
speed stays at 2 mph / 3.2 km/h and the incline level stays  
at level 0. After the time counts down to 00:00 the belt stops  
and returns to PAUSE/STOP status. Press the  
STOP/ENTER button to return to POWER ON status. To  
escape the cool down procedure press the STOP/ENTER  
button once anytime during the process to enter the  
PAUSE/STOP status and press the STOP/ENTER button  
again to enter the POWER ON status.  
Recovery is the feature to let the user test their physical condition after a workout. The recovery rating is determined by  
measuring how quickly the user’s pulse slows down after the workout to justify the user physical condition. The faster the  
pulse slows down, the better the user’s physical condition. User’s can record their recovery rating after each workout to use  
for reference. To operate the RECOVERY, press the RECOVERY button after completing a workout. The treadmill will enter  
the PAUSE/STOP status. Put both hands on the hand pulse sensors within 10 seconds (for models equipped with a chest  
belt pulse transmitter, keep the chest belt on, no need to hold the hand pulse). The pulse receiver will scan and detect the  
user’s pulse in 10 seconds and enter the RECOVERY procedure. TIME counts down from 01:00 to 00:00. The SPEED LED  
window will show the RECOVER RATING after the one-minute count down. The lower the number the better the fitness  
level. Record the rating for future comparison.  
During the RECOVERY procedure, if you want to stop the RECOVERY and stop workout, press the STOP/ENTER button  
and return to POWER ON status.  
During the RECOVERY procedure, if you want to continue the previous program, press the START button to continue the  
previous program.  
After pressing the RECOVERY button, if the pulse receiver fails to scan and receive the user’s pulse the computer will stay at  
PAUSE/STOP status. Press the STOP/ENTER button to return to POWER ON status or press the START button to continue  
the previous program.  
Before selecting the program, a user ID needs to be selected. For the first time user, please set up the user information and  
assign your USER ID from U 1 to U 9. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to select the user ID when the computer is in  
POWER ON mode.  
After selecting the USER ID the SPEED LED window will show the previous setting for user body weight or the factory setting  
value of 150” lbs or “68” kg and be blinking. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to set the user body weight then press  
the STOP/ENTER button to confirm and save.  
After setting the user height the TIME LED window will show the previous setting for user height or the factory setting value of  
67” inches or “170” cm and be blinking. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to set the user height then press the  
STOP/ENTER button to confirm and save.  
After setting the user weight the PULSE LED window will show the previous setting for user age or the factory setting value of  
35” and be blinking. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to set the user age then press the STOP/ENTER button to  
confirm and save.  
After completing the user information set up the SPEED PROFILE LED window will show “P1”. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN  
buttons to select a P1 – P8 program or C1-C3 user program then press the STOP/ENTER button to confirm. Prior to starting  
the selected program, follow the procedure to operate the different programs as below:  
If P1 is selected, the TIME LED window shows “30:00” as the  
preset workout time. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons  
to set target workout time. Press the STOP/ENTER button to  
save the target time and press the START button to start the  
program. Speed starts from 2.0 mph / 3.2 km/h. Incline  
starts from level 0. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to  
adjust the speed and press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons  
to adjust the incline level. TIME counts down from the target  
time to zero.  
If P2 is selected, the DISTANCE LED window shows “0.00”.  
Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to set the target  
distance. Press the STOP/ENTER button to save the target  
distance and press the START button to start the program.  
Speed starts from 2.0 mph / 3.2 km/h. Incline starts from  
level 0. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the  
speed and press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust  
the incline level. DISTANCE counts down from the target  
If P3 is selected, the CALORIES LED window shows “0”.  
Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to set the target  
calories. Press the STOP/ENTER button to save the target  
calories and press the START button to start the program.  
Speed starts from 2.0 mph / 3.2 km/h. Incline starts from  
level 0. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the  
speed and press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust  
the incline level. CALORIES count down from the target  
If P4 is selected, the TIME LED window shows the factory  
setting value “24:00” and the PULSE/INCLINE LED window  
shows a blinking “L 1”. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons  
to select the intensity of workout from L1 to L12 then press  
the STOP/ENTER button. The TME LED window shows a  
blinking “24:00”. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to  
adjust the workout time. Every adjustable section is 4  
minutes. Press the STOP/ENTER button to save the setting  
then press the START button to start the program. The  
incline level will be changed by the computer following the  
factory setting pattern. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons  
to adjust the speed.  
If P5 is selected, the TIME LED window shows the factory  
setting value “24:00” and the PULSE/INCLINE LED window  
shows a blinking “L 1”. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons  
to select the intensity of workout from L1 to L12 then press  
the STOP/ENTER button. The TME LED window shows a  
blinking “24:00”. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to  
adjust the workout time. Every adjustable section is 4  
minutes. Press the STOP/ENTER button to save the setting  
then press the START button to start the program. The  
speed will be changed by the computer following the factory  
setting pattern. Press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to  
adjust the incline level.  
If P6 is selected, the TIME LED window shows the factory  
setting value “30:00” and the PULSE/INCLINE LED window  
shows a blinking “L 1”. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons  
to select the intensity of workout from L1 to L12 then press  
the STOP/ENTER button. The TME LED window shows a  
blinking “30:00”. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to  
adjust the workout time. Every adjustable section is 5  
minutes. Press the STOP/ENTER button to save the setting  
then press the START button to start the program. The  
speed and incline level will be changed by the computer  
following the factory setting pattern.  
If P7 is selected, the DISTANCE LED window shows “3”  
miles or “5” km. Press the START button to start the  
program. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the  
speed and press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to adjust  
the incline level.  
If P8 is selected, the TIME LED window shows the factory  
setting value of “60:00” and is blinking. Press the SPEED  
UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the workout time. Every  
adjustable section equals 3 minutes. Press the  
STOP/ENTER button to save the setting then the TARGET  
HEART RATE displays in the PULSE LED window and is  
blinking. The factory TARGET HEART RATE setting is  
based on 85% of the maximum user heart rate. The  
maximum user heart rate is calculated using the  
formula: 220 minus the user age. As an example, for age  
35 the maximum user heart rate should be 185 and 85%  
of the maximum user heart rate will be 157. Press the  
SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the TARGET HEART  
RATE according to your own physical condition or your  
doctor’s instruction then press the STOP/ENTER buttons to  
save the setting.  
Press the START button to start the three minute WARM UP program. Speed starts from 2.0 mph / 3.2 km/h and the  
INCLINE LEVEL starts from level 0. Keep your hand on the hand pulse grips all the time during this workout in order to  
monitor your pulse correctly. During the program, if the heart rate monitor fails to sense the user’s pulse you will see “P”  
blinking in the PULSE LED window. If the heart rate monitor senses the pulse properly the PULSE DOT LED blinks and the  
correct pulse readout shows on the PULSE LED window. The computer will sense the user’s pulse every 30 seconds.  
During the warm up program you can press the STOP/ENTER button to pause or stop the program or press the START  
button to re-start the program. Other buttons will not react during this warm up process.  
During the warm up program, if the heart rate monitor fails to sense the user’s pulse (the PULSE LED will display a blinking  
P”) the computer will not change the speed. If the heart rate monitor senses the user’s pulse properly but the actual user’s  
pulse does not reach 65% of the max. heart rate (( 220-age) x 65%) then the speed will increase by 0.5 mph / 0.8 km/h every  
30 seconds. If the actual pulse reaches 65% of the max. heart rate the speed will remain unchanged. If the actual pulse  
remains at 65% of the max. heart rate for more than one minute the speed will be maintained until the warm up program is  
If the actual user’s pulse fails to reach 65% of the max. heart rate within the first 3 minutes of the warm up program, the  
computer will continue a second 3 minute warm up program. All workout information continues to count up and the timer  
counts down from 3:00. During the second 3 minute warm up the computer will change the incline level instead of the speed.  
If the heart rate monitor fails to sense the user’s pulse (the PULSE LED will display a blinking “P”) the computer will not  
change the incline level. If heart rate monitor senses the user’s pulse properly but the actual user’s pulse does not reach  
65% of the max. heart rate (( 220-age) x 65%) then the incline level will be increased by 1 level every 30 seconds. If the  
actual pulse reaches 65% of the max. heart rate the incline level will remain unchanged. If the actual pulse remains at 65%  
of the max. heart rate for more than one minute the speed will be maintained until the warm up program is finished.  
If the actual user’s pulse fails to reach 65% of the max. heart rate within the second 3 minute warm up, the computer will  
continue a third 3 minute warm up program. All workout information continues to count up and the timer counts down from  
3:00. During the third 3 minute warm up both speed and incline remain unchanged regardless the actual pulse. If the time  
counts down to 0 and 65% of the max. heart rate still cannot be achieved then the TIME LED will show “FAIL” and the  
program will stop and return to POWER ON status.  
After the warm up program is completed, if the actual pulse reaches 65% of the max. heart rate, the computer will enter the  
HEART RATE CONTROL program. TIME keeps counting down. Distance and Calories continue to count up from the warm  
up program. During the HEART RATE CONTROL program the heart rate monitor will sense the actual user’s pulse every 30  
seconds. If the actual user’s pulse does not reach 85% of the max. heart rate then the incline level will be increased by 1  
level every 30 seconds. If the actual user’s pulse reaches 85% of the max. heart rate then the treadmill performance will be  
remain unchanged. If the actual user’s pulse is greater than 85% of the max. heart rate, the incline level will be reduced by 1  
level. Speed will remain unchanged until the incline level increases up to 15% or down to 0%. If the incline level is up to  
15% and 85% of the max. heart rate still cannot be reached then the speed will be increased by 0.5 mph /0.8 km/h every 30  
seconds. If the incline level decreases down to 0% and the actual user’s pulse is still greater than 85% of the max. heart rate  
then the speed will be decreased by 0.5 mph /0.8 km/h every 30 seconds.  
If the actual user’s pulse remains above 85% of the max. heart rate for more than 3 minutes the HEART RATE CONTROL  
program will shut down and enter a one minute COOL DOWN program.  
When the TIME counts down to 0, the HEART RATE CONTROL program is completed and the computer enters a one-  
minute COOL DOWN program.  
After the COOL DOWN program the computer will return to POWER ON status.  
The purpose of HEART RATE CONTROL program is to keep the user’s pulse between 65% of the max. heart rate and 85%  
of the max. heart rate to achieve the most efficient workout result.  
The program can allow 3 custom programs to be set by users and store the settings for repeated workouts. The maximum  
workout time of each user program is 60 minutes. During the workout after the TIME counts up to 60:00, the treadmill will  
start a one-minute cool down procedure automatically. To set and store the user programs, please follow the procedure  
Select between C1 to C3 and press the STOP/ENTER button  
to enter the user program then press the START button.  
Speed starts at 2.0 mph / 3.2 km/h and the incline level starts  
at level 0. Each section of SPEED/INCLINE is one minute.  
Press the SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to change the speed  
and press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to change the  
incline during the workout. The computer will take the actual  
speed and incline level at the last second of each minute  
section and temporary save as the speed and incline level of  
that minute section. Continue the workout until you want to  
stop. Press the STOP/ENTER button to enter the one-  
minute cool down session. The computer will automatically  
enter the save program status after the one-minute cool  
down session. If you want to skip the cool down procedure,  
press the STOP/ENTER button to enter the save program  
When the computer is in save program status, the “CUSTOM SAVE” button will blink slowly. Press the button to save this  
program or press the STOP/ENTER button to delete the program and return to POWER ON status.  
Edit the Speed and Incline without extending the previously saved workout time:  
Simply press the SPEED UP/DOWN and INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to change the speed and incline level during the  
workout then follow the SET AND SAVE procedure after completing the workout.  
Extend the workout time from the previously saved program:  
If you want to extend the total workout time from the previously saved program press the START button anytime during the  
workout. The LED of the CUSTOM SAVE button will light up and blink for 10 seconds then stay lit up. After completing the  
previously saved program the treadmill will start a one-minute cool down session. Press the START button again during the  
cool down session and the treadmill will skip the cool down procedure and continue running at a speed of 3.2 km/h / 2.0 mph  
and incline of level 0. Press the SPEED UP/DOWN and INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons for every minute section then follow the  
SET AND SAVE procedure after completing the workout.  
If you already press the START button once during the workout and intend to extend the workout time but decide not to  
extend the workout time, press the START button again to switch off the LED light of CUSTOM SAVE button. Or wait till the  
previous saved program complete and complete the cool down procedure then follow the SET AND SAVE procedure.  
USING THE CHEST BELT HEART RATE MONITOR (optional feature dependant on model purchased):  
For proper operation, the chest belt should be worn across the front of your body just below the chest line as shown in the  
drawing. To ensure a proper operation the chest belt needs to be moisturized, please make the 2 rubber pads under the chest  
belt wet prior to exercising.  
Strap chest belt across the front below the chest line.  
Smooth Fitness  
112 Gaither Drive  
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054  
Toll Free Customer Service:  
Copyright © 2005  

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